All Digital Monetary Fund currencies are published on the Ethereum Live Block Chain as ERC20 Smart Contracts.

The Ethereum Block Chain network was chosen because it is transparent, widely accepted and processes transactions very efficiently. Ethereum is a global, open-source, popular platform for decentralized applications.

For consistancy and compatibility with the international financial payments system, our currencies mirror the ISO Standard 4217 for currencies

Rounding: Internally the Currencies have a standard 18 digits, although transfers use Bankers Rounding so that amounts behave like fiat currencies. Eg. transfers for 1USD are rounded to the nearest 2 decimal places or cent. Where the third fractional digit value is 5, the amount is rounded towards an even number.

Supply: The quantity of each currency varies according to market supply and demand for that DMF currency. To reduce supply a “burn” function is used, to increase supply a “mint” function is used. This enables each DMF to be backed close to 100% by underlying physical assets.

Escrow: An Escrow function allows transactions to be sent as Pending will in time be changed to Refunded (the customer received its refund) or Completed.

The Digital Monetary Fund project has built a new, smarter, financial system.